The Three Pure Land Sutras 1) The Sutra on the Buddha of Infinite Life (Bussetsu Muryoju Gyo) 2) The Sutra on the
Comtemplation of the Buddha of Infinite Life (Bussetsu Kanmuryju Gyo) 3) The Sutra on Amida Buddha (Bussetsu Amida Gyo)
Works of the Seven Patriachs 4) Chapter on Easy Practice, Discourse on the Ten Stages (Igyo Hon, Jujubibasha
Ron) - Nagarjuna Boddhisattva (Ryuju Bosatsu) 5) Twelve Hymns of Adoration (Junirai) - Nagarjuna Bodhisattva (Ryuju Bosatsu)
6) The Treatise on the Pure Land (Jodo Ron) - Vasubhandhu Bodhisattva (Tenshin Bosatsu) 7) Verses of Aspiration for
Birth in the Pure Land (Gansho Ge) - Vasubhandhu Bodhisattva (Tenshin Bosatsu) 8) Commentary on the Treatise on the
Pure Land (Jodo Ron Chu) - Tanluan Dashi (Donran Daishi) 9) Gatha in Praise of Amida Buddha (San Amidabutsu Ge) - Tanluan
Dashi (Donran Daishi) 10) A Collection of Lines concerning the Country of Peace and Happiness (Anraku Shu) - Daozuo Chan
Shi (Doshaku Zenshi) 11) A Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra (Kanmuryoju Gyo Sho) - Shandao Dashi (Zendo Daishi)
12) Hymns of Liturgy (Hoji San) - Shandao Dashi (Zendo Daishi) 13) Method of Contemplation (Kannen Homon) - Shandao
Dashi (Zendo Daishi) 14) Hymns of Birth in the Pure Land (Ojoraisan Ge) - Shandao Dashi (Zendo Daishi) 15) Hymns
praising Birth in the Pure Land based on Samadhi (Hanju San) - Shandao Dashi (Zendo Daishi) 16) Verses on Refuge in the
Triple Gems (Kisambo Ge) - Shandao Dashi (Zendo Daishi) 17) Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land (Ojoyoshu) - Genshin
Kasho 18) Sermons of Yokokawa (Yokokawa Hogo) - Genshi Kasho 19) A Collection of Passages on the Nembutsu Chosen
in the Originel Vow (Hongan Nenbutsu Shu) - Genku Daishi Honen Shonin 20) One-sheet Profession of Faith (Ichimai Kishomon)
- Genku Daishi Honen Shonin Works of Prince Shotoku 21) Seventeen Articles of the Constitution (Kenpo Jushichi
Jo) - Shotoku Daishi Works of Other Pure Land Masters 22) Treatise on the Essentials of Faith Alone (Yuishin
Sho) - Seikaku Daishi 23) Dialogues on the Life to Come (Gose Monogatari Kikigaki) - Ryukan Daishi 24) Treatise
on Once-calling and Many-calling (Ichinen Tanen Funbetsu Koto) - Ryukan Daishi 25) Treatise on Self-power and Other-Power
(Jiriki Tariki Koto) - Ryukan Daishi Works of Shinran Shonin 26) The True Teaching, Practice and Realization
of the Pure Land Way (Ken Jodo Shinjitsu Kyogyosho Monrui) 27) Hymns of the Pure Land (Jodo Wasan) 28) Hymns of
the Pure Land Masters (Koso Wasan) 29) Hymns of the Dharma Ages (Shozomatsu Wasan) 30) Passages on the Pure Land
Way (Jodo Monrui Jusho) 31) Notes on the Inscriptions On Sacred Scrolls (Songo Shunzo Meimon) 32) Notes on Essentials
of Faith Alone (Yuishinsho Mon-i) 33) Notes on Once Calling and Many Calling (Ichinen Tanen Mon-i) 34) Gutoku's
Notes (Gutoku Sho) 35) Gatha on the Two Gates of Entering and Leaving (Nyushutsu Nimonge) 36) Passanges from the
Three Sutras on Birth in the Pure Land (Jodo Sangyo Ojon Mon-rui) 37) Notes on the Two Kinds of Merit Transference (Nyorai
Nishu Ekomon) 38) The Virtue of the Name of Amida Tathagata (Mida Nyorai Myogo Toku) 39) On the Forty-eight Vows
(Shiju-hachi Daigan) 40) A Torchlight to the Latter Age (Mattosho) 41) Letters of Shinran (Goshosokushu) 42)
Sayings of Zendo (Zendo Kasho Gon) 43) Compass on the West (Saiho Shinan Sho) Works of Eshin-ni 44)
The Letters of Eshin-ni - Eshin-ni Works of Jodo Shinshu Masters 45) Ceremonial Sermon of Gratitude (Hoonko
Shiki) - Kakunyo Shonin 46) Biography of Shinran Shonin (Godensho) - Kakunyo Shonin 47) Tract on Holding Fast to
the Name (Shuji Sho) - Kakunyo Shonin 48) Tract on Oral Transmissions (Kuden Sho) - Kakunyo Shonin 49) Tract on
Heresies (Gaija Sho) - Kakunyo Shonin 50) Essentials of Jodo Shinshu (Jodo Shin Yosho) - Zonkaku Shonin 51) Tract
on Reciting the Name (Jimyo Sho) - Zonkaku Shonin 52) Tract Extolling the Virtue of Shinran Shonin (Tandoku Mon) - Zonkaku
Shonin 53) Epistles of Rennyo Shonin (Gobunsho) - Rennyo Shonin 54) Epistles of Summer (Ge no Ofumi) - Rennyo Shonin
55) Biographical Letter on Shinran Shonin (Gozokusho) - Rennyo Shonin 56) Jodo Shinshu Creed (Ryogemon) - Rennyo
Shonin 57) Commentary on the Shoshinge (Shoshinge Daigi) - Rennyo Shonin 58) Sayings of Rennyo Shonin (Rennyo Shonin
Goichidai Kikigaki) - Jitsunyo Shonin 59) Ceremony in Praise of the Buddha (Sanbutsu Koshiki) - Jakunyo Shonin 60)
A Letter of Adjudication (Gosaidan no Gosho) - Honnyo Shonin Miscelleanous/Annoymous Works 61) A Record in
Lamenting Divergences (Tannisho) - Yuien-bo 62) On Attaining the Settled Mind (Anjin Ketsujo Sho) 63) Essentials
of the Kyogyoshinsho (Kyogyoshinsho Daii) 64) Notes on the Transmission of Jodo Shinshu (Shinshu Kechimyaku Denrai Sho)